The Differences Between Public VS Private Cloud

Businesses are transforming more application are moving into the clouds.
Gartner predicts that by 2021, businesses will adopt an all-in cloud strategy.
When businesses start to use SaaS (Software as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and FaaS (Function as a Service), the company must adapt and design their own network architecture in order to be secure.
When businesses are moving to the cloud, it means that they are having a data centre made up of compute and storage resources connected by network somewhere. When you are considering cloud computing solutions for your business, it is better to learn the difference between the types of clouds that you’re going to choose in order to maintain your own secure network architecture.
Nowadays clouds are smart, automated and adaptive. Migrating from the traditional data centre to clouds might improve the efficiency and reduce the cost for your business.
There are two categories of clouds for a growing business, private and public cloud. Public cloud run by the cloud service provider that rent their space for their customers, usually small businesses that only pay as they are using the services. While private cloud usually used by a big enterprise to have their own control in the term of management and customization.
In term of storage and access, public cloud will give access to multiple organizations and will store your data on a shared infrastructure, while in private cloud, your company can have restricted access at a time and dedicated storage infrastructure that is not accessible for others
Using public cloud means that the location of the data centre varies by the public cloud provider’s infrastructure site, while private cloud allows the company to have the freedom to decide and choose, an on-premise data centre or dedicated location on the service provider’s infrastructure.
Having private cloud as your cloud computing solutions might require additional investment for hardware components while on the other hand, public cloud is easy to deploy as they usually do not require additional investment for either hardware or software. The additional investment might cause a company to spend more on hardware to set up on-premise data centres to leverage private cloud services efficiently while using public cloud can help business reduce cost as the company will not need to install anything.
Even if the public cloud is less expensive than private as there is no additional cost, Public cloud has disadvantages when it comes to management, customization and control over the cloud which could be an issue for lack of security.
When a company uses a public cloud, all the data stored in the provider’s data centre and cloud provider is responsible for the management and maintenance process. Having a private cloud give the company more control when it comes to managing their own cloud as they have dedicated administrator to manage the upgrades and installations and this makes it easy to integrate their on-premise or on-cloud applications.
Having a private cloud allows companies to customize their cloud infrastructure according to their business-specific needs and requirements, while the public cloud-only offers a standard operating procedure for organizations.
For scalability, the public cloud offers additional space and infrastructure abilities for their customer and private cloud not only could give incremental space and infrastructure abilities but also offer the customized scalability.
In terms of security, private cloud holds the advantage as all the data and cloud is controlled by a dedicated administrator in a company. Management of private cloud can be customized and enhanced to implement higher levels of authentication and security for the cloud environment.
This power to control the cloud environment helps the company to easily add and remove users and have a strict policy on who can access which data and what the users can do inside the cloud. While easy to deploy public cloud can only have standard security protocols that controlled by the cloud provider.
While big enterprise might opt for a private cloud and small business prefer to go with a public cloud, there is also a solution to have the best of both cloud, which is a hybrid cloud. Hybrid cloud can be the solution for a company that wants to remain their network environment secure by having the most sensitive applications in the private cloud while storing the other forms of applications in a public cloud service provider.
If you are having a problem to decide which cloud environment that suitable for your business model, you can contact Netpluz for a free consultation on your cloud computing needs. Netpluz is MTCS SS 584 compliant. Our team have a commitment to ensuring sound operational and security control across all computing services.
The Multi-Tier Cloud Security (MTCS) Singapore Standard (SS)584 is a cloud security certification managed by the Singapore Info-comm Media Development Authority (IMDA).
The MTCS SS is the world’s first cloud security standard that covers multiple tiers. With the new standard, certified CSPs will be able to spell out the levels of security that they can offer to their users.
Businesses that rely on cloud computing services will also be able to use the MTCS SS to better understand and assess the cloud security they require.